Thursday, February 10, 2011

Teacher at Gridley?

Question - in the Gridley Village Times, Yesteryears section it states:

50 years ago February 2, 1961 Mrs. Ralph Klopfenstein of Gridley has been hired by the Board of Education of the Gridley Community Unit District No. 10 to replace Mrs. Lane as the English teacher.

Is that true, was Catherine a English teacher?


Ada said...

No, she was not a teacher. In February of 1961, I was a senior. I kinda a remember an English teacher who quit for some reason (maybe pregnancy) and I'm trying to think who the replacement was - can almost visualize her, but can't think of her name. Unfortunately my yearbooks were all drenched in a flood one time so I can't look there for information. I do have some friends I can ask, or maybe next weeks will have a correction in the paper. Orlan Miller and Judy Peifer were both in my class - they might remember.

Ada said...

Rita - I think it was Rita somebody - maybe Rinkenberger? Anybody know? This is going to bug me now until I figure it out.

Ada said...

Just to set the record straight, the teacher in question was Rita Rinkenberger - her husband's name was Ralph. Now you can all sleep tonight!

Alice said...

It seems to me that a teacher named Rita "Baines"? taught in high school sometime between 1945 and 1949. She roomed at Aunt Mary's and married a Rinkenberger while teaching in high school. We all thought it was very romantic. Is this the same Mrs. Rinkenberger?