Thursday, September 30, 2010

Follow-up on LCK appointment!

Good news! The pain is caused by bursitis, which follows a hip replacement twenty per cent of the time. He gave Lynn an anti-inflammatory injection. Doctor said that he has had a possible defective prosthesis in only one case. He seems to think the media hype, even though it should be considered, is overdone. He recommended that Lynn call the DuPuy 800 number to be placed on the register and then they would pay for any expenses should the prosthesis cause problems in the future. So we are delighted and thankful that another surgery is not called for at this time. Thanks to all of you for your concern and prayers.

1 comment:

Nog Blog said...

Good news! And can't wait to see a picture of your new home, should all go through. So glad things are coming together for you.