Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Painting the old, worn-out merry-go-round at the city park.
All done and shiny new! Bring on the children.
Jerry wants you all to rest assured that he was NOT getting out of jail time by performing community service. A few weeks he took Nathan to the park and thought that merry-go-round was so junky looking that he decided to paint it. He did this on Monday and yesterday he could barely walk, but doing better today. :)


Cleve and Kathleen said...

Yeah for Jerry! He'd told us guys on Friday night of his intention to do this (with the blessing of the Village Board!) and he surely wasted no time in getting it done. Our grandboys really enjoyed the merry-go-round on Saturday but we noticed it looked a little ratty.
It sure looks good now! God Bless you, Uncle Jerry.

Ann said...

Glad to know it wasn't in lieu of jail time. Now that's the way to get involved in the community. Great work.

Carol said...

Way to go, Jerry. I can think of a few other eyesores --- especially the huge weeds at the new park. One lady said she asked the board if she could clean it up and they wouldn't give her permission. I'm glad you had their blessing!