Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another Prayer Request

I don't know how many of you keep up with my blog, but I wanted to update you with a prayer request. Ethne and Catie are undergoing some testing after losing weight in the last few months. Ethne's test results are improving, but the doctor thinks Catie may have Type I Diabetes. You can read more on my blog here. We'd appreciate prayers as we confirm the diagnosis and come up with a treatment plan.


Nog Blog said...

No disease would be preferable to any disease, but at least if they can confirm diabetes, it is well-known and you will have a treatment plan. I hope they get to the bottom of all of it for both girls. And I know Mommy (and Daddy) need prayers too. Will continue to do that.

Cleve and Kathleen said...

We are praying for you all and for wisdom for the doctors to get a firm diagnosis and then a treatment plan that you can adapt to.