Friday, February 5, 2010

Ready for the Weekend

As the snow starts to fall here in Lawrenceville, IL I'm ready for the weekend. Today brings an end to a very long week. Our customer, Toyota, has been "shutdown" for the week. That of course, meant more work for us. We did not lay off our employees for the week, but gave them the choice to stay home with no pay, use vacation or come to work and complete projects. About 50% chose to come in and do projects, so we spend all week trying to keep everybody busy and everything under control in the abnormal conditions. With car production at the Toyota plant, several of them made their way over here everyday to "check up on things", usually around lunch time......... What a long week it was.

Tonight I'm going to a Men's Conference at a local church I've been visiting, Sleeping in tomorrow and then going to look a house we'd like to buy again. Retta is hosting a large group of Jr. & Sr. High girls at the house tonight for a "heart attack" youth event. Chris will be joining the guys at another home.

Next week is supposed to be back to normal at work......we'll see what long term impact this recall has on sales. I hope it's not a big impact. What are your feelings about Toyota after this past weeks worth of "news"? EDK


Ann said...

What do I think about it? I'm just cynical enough to wonder if there's something political about the whole thing. . .and that probably the months to come would be a good time to buy a Toyota 'cause there will probably be some very good sales.

Nog Blog said...

My first thoughts are job with a new company, and then it's Toyota! Hope your plant is not too affected by it all. I would think a week of clean-up and projects is probably a good thing for any factory. Would I buy a Toyota right now...I'm not sure.

Cleve said...

glad you put "new" in quotations. I can't imagine why the media is picking on Toyota so unmercifully, but it's obvious the issue is way overplayed -- and seemingly unending. I own 2 Toyotas and love them both...would not hesitate to buy another. I agree with Ann; it might be a good time to get a good deal on one.