Tuesday, February 9, 2010

George Freed Milk Bottles

Last fall at a yard sale I bought a big stack of COUNTRY magazines and read them from time to time when there's not really time to get into something deep and I just want something light to look at. There is a feature in there called "Can You Help Me" where people write in with requests - usually for lost recipes or unusual things they can't find. Yesterday I was very surprised to see that in the March 2007 issue of COUNTRY EXTRA there is an item in the column that reads as follows:

"In the '30s, my grandfather sold milk in glass containers with 'George Freed, Gridley, Ill.' printed on them. If you know of any containers like this, I'd love to collect them for my family." Sue Cargill, Coronado, CA

Any insight or info about this? Does it sound familiar?


Alice said...

It is familiar. We went to buy milk at Freeds when I was a young girl. One time I went with Dad to get milk and he wanted me to try to milk the cow. I couldn't get a drop to go in the bucket!

Ada said...

I don't remember George Freed, but Sue Cargill was a couple years older than me and she had a sister Joann in my class and another sister Jeannine was in Gloria's class. Sue's husband, Lee, was a good friend of Perry's and he had a brother who was in my class and we still commumicate occasionally. Interesting that you saw that article.

Cleve said...

George Freed also sold shoes later in his life and Dad bought me some neat work shoes from him. Sue Cargill's family lived in the Gridley house that Dad bought and where we lived up on East 4th street all through my high school days. Sue and Lee live on Coronado Island near SanDiego and Kathleen and I miraculously saw she and Lee walking the streets there a few years ago and we all stopped and visited about Gridley days.....