Friday, January 22, 2010

I Lost My Best Friend...

I have officially started a diet. I didn’t tell anyone for awhile because if I failed I didn’t want anyone to ask how it was going. But now that I’m several weeks into it, I can say that it is going pretty well. My Mom says that dieting is 10% diet plan, and 90% mental. I completely agree. I’ve started and stopped various diet plans in the past 4 years, but I feel like this time I finally have the mental component. But even though I’m off to a good start, I feel a measure of sadness.

I feel like I’ve lost my best friend. Yes, Food has been a great friend to me over the years. It’s been there for major events in my life. It’s been there when I’ve been upset, stressed, happy, or bored. It even walked closely with me through five pregnancies and refused to leave me post-partum. It was someone I could always turn to. We had some great times together. I always felt happy and had a wonderful time when I was with my friend Food.

Over time though I started to realize what a fair-weathered friend it really was. Sure we’d have a great time when we were together but later it would turn around and stab me in the back (or the hips, or the thighs, or the butt). Food would tell me I wasn't that fat and encourage me to take another bite, but I found out it was saying that just to be nice. After we had been together I would lose that happy feeling and instead feel guilty and upset. It would never leave either - the more time we spent together, the more attached it became to me.

So I said good-bye to my best friend and it’s been hard. I’ve had to find new things to do and other people to call on when I normally would have called on Food. Oh we still visit occasionally, just not as frequently and in smaller doses. To be honest with you, I think our relationship is much healthier this way.


Ada said...

Great post - you're a good writer. I hope you continue to visit your friend in smaller doses, and I'm sure you will find exciting things to fill the extra time. I think many of us could learn from your experience.

Nog Blog said...

Hate to tell you but your friend is a two-timer! Been hanging out with me for years! I've tried to kick him to the curb many times, but he keeps coming back. Right now I'm about 60/40...6o% with a good plan and 40% mentally committed. It's such a struggle.

Cleve and Kathleen said...

Very well stated, Shelley!

Ann said...

Sigh. I'm with you on that, Shelley. Food and I "broke up" last summer, about 18 pounds' worth, but we've gotten to be a little bit closer again, mainly over Christmas and afterward. I've got to give food a little tough love again.

Oh, and Cleve is right - you're a good writer. :-)

Ann said...

I guess it was Ada who said you're a good writer. They're both right.

Cathy said...

Shelley, I can only imagine the willpower it takes to maintain the tough love stance with your best friend, as he comes into your home everyday to entertain your five hungry, growing boys. You have to watch him happily play with your boys, and then he flirts mercilessly with you and you have to ignore him. What a trial! Stay strong!

Aunt Cathy