Friday, January 1, 2010

RDK Christmas at Gloria's

Dec. 22 Gloria hosted the RDK family at her house in Normal. The evening was a roaring success. Jamie and Joe were special guests from Texas, Dave and Jodie's from Indiana,along with some of Gloria's special friends. It was an open house from 3-7 pm, and the house was packed...lots of good food and visiting. Estimated 60 people attended. Some highlights of the evening were old VCR tapes of the RDK archives playing in the background for all to enjoy, a visit for the kids to the "little house" to see Gloria's 3 parrots and the little dog. There was also a money tree (as pictured) for Mom for her Christmas gift. I think everyone would agree that it was a great evening.


Ada said...

Yes, it was a great evening. We loved seeing Gloria's new home as well as all the family. Love your home, Gloria.

Ann said...

So this is a new home? Congratulations are in order then, Gloria - it looks like a very nice one. So glad you could have a nice family party there also.

marym said...

Very nice photos too. Thank you for sharing. I remember when those family photos were all of Grandma and the aunts and uncles... now we're the age they were during those days. Crazy. Glad I don't feel as old as I am!

Jamie S said...

Thank you so much to Mom for acting as hostess and to everyone who joined in the festivities! It was great to catch up with everyone!