Friday, November 20, 2009

A Thanksgiving Tribute

I was recently asked the question: "What about your spouse are you most thankful for?" I thought about it for awhile, and decided I am especially thankful that Dave is absolutely "trustworthy." What he says, he does. What he believes, he lives. The decisions he makes are always for our best interest, as far as he is able to determine. He would never purposely betray me or lead me astray. Just thinking about it made me appreciate him more.

What about your spouse (or if you don't have one, a friend, parent, etc.) are you thankful for?


rk2 said...

OK, no spouse, but thanks for posting this. In a world where so many people around me gripe and complain about their spouses, I'm glad to see your post and to anticipate what others will write about their spouses.

Nog Blog said...

Remember, you can do a friend or a parent...

Mama Runner said...

I could not have survived the last year without Brett. He has stepped up SO MUCH to pick up the slack. And after a complicated pregnancy and now with my full-time job of nursing twins, there is a lot of slack! He handles suppers, the dishes, and the girls' baths/bedtimes without complaint. I couldn't ask for a better partner.

Shelley S said...

I am thankful for a husband who is a long-term thinker. He sets goals and works hard to accomplish them. I'm much more of a short-term person and I like to just focus on 'today'. So we balance each other out in that respect. He treats me like a queen, he's very romantic (seomtime ask me what he did for our 10th anniversary), and he makes me laugh. I'm so thankful God brought us together.

Mim said...

Will you agree with me that a man is a real keeper not to get upset when:
His wife is ironing his shirt collar and inadvertently picks up a spray paint can instead of the starch can and continues the ironing process, thinking that this new starch sure is different from that in the old can.
And he didn't even groan when I told him about the goof. That's my husband. I guess a man learns a lot in fifty-two plus years. By the way, he's a keeper for many other reasons also.

Ada said...

Judy - good topic and I think I could say "ditto" to everything you said. I am thankful that Jerry loves me totally including all my weaknesses. I am thankful that he has always treated me with respect and allows me to make my own decisions and to do what I want without having to ask "permission".

And I like it that he spoils me in many ways, my favorite being nice long backrubs! He always says "thank you, that was good" no matter what kind of a meal I fix. I'm thankful for his faith and I love to hear him pray. He's the best!

Alice said...

I will have to say that I think I have the best husband. I thank God that He brought us together.
Keith never says a cross word to me and always tells me he loves me. He has been a great provider and I think I will have to say the same thing as Ada. He does spoil me from time to time.

However, this Thanksgiving I am most thankful that the Lord has given him back good health.
Praise the Lord.

Anonymous said...

My husband is super funny, and he loves my kids. He also lets me do what I want, and it doesn't take much to get him to come around to my side of thinking if he ever does disagree with me. He's also very honest -- wouldn't lie, cheat or steal even a tiny bit. Like if a cashier ever gave him too much change back, he'd give it back to her. I am naturally not so much like that, but because of him, I'm better! He's a great guy! Oh, and he's fun to listen to on guitar...

marym said...

I've been mulling over as to how best describe my husband - of course, I think HE's the best! He's a very thoughtful individual and has excellent judgment. For a man, he's very intuitive (I guess part of that comes from having so many females to deal with on a daily basis!) and very wise. I'm so thankful for his wisdom, without which I couldn't have survived. He loves the Lord Jesus and seeks Him in all things. He loves people and has an amazing ability to interact with and care about people of all ages. And as Aunt Ada always reminds me, he sure is handsome! :)

Tim - Cathy said...

I am so thankful for my sweetheart, Tim. His top priority in life is to make me happy, and he does. He treats me like a queen. He is devoted to God and to family above all else. Tim has many talents - he is intelligent, witty, a gifted speaker, a great socializer, kind and tender-hearted. He is my best friend.


Anonymous said...

Interesting that none of the men spoke up here! What's up, guys?

Ann said...

Well, I'm thankful for my husband because he always comes through in the long run. I'm not much of a "wanter" of stuff usually, but occasionally see something I'd really like. This week there was a beautifully framed print of the nativity scene on sale at Hobby Lobby and I told him about it - the next morning got a text about 10 a.m. - said "Call me, I'm at Hobby Lobby." The print is now hanging over our fireplace. He's also great about fixing things as soon as they need fixing. He's not a showboat or flamboyant, but he's always faithful in what needs doing, and I know that that is a sign of love.