Thursday, July 23, 2009


We've noticed a black wasp hanging out on our deck for several weeks. I've looked in all the nooks and crannys, under the eaves, etc. but have not been successful in locating a hive. Today, Jerry went out for his daily "sunning" when he noticed that the wasp was between the screen and the glass door. When he pulled the screen over, he saw the huge hive in the corner of the door! As he says, "You should've seen this poor hip hop in the the door and shut it as quickly as possible!" Fortunately we had wasp spray on hand and soaked that hive well, scraped it down, and swept it away!

While the Japanese beatles have been doing a job on my mini-hibiscus, in spite of the bug spray I've been bombarding it with, the trees seem to be resisting them quite well. I think Spring Green will be back for another spray any day now.
I fertilized and dead-headed my deck flowers two days ago, and these pots revived quite well.

Jerry planted some gladiolas beside the garage before surgery and they are now blooming beautifully. And isn't he looking mighty handsome, also? and he's standing on his own two feet!


Carol said...

Your flowers look great! What fertilizer do you use? Did you tell me once that Aunt Ruth said she used Miracle Grow?

Ada said...

I don't remember telling you that nor do I know what she used, but I used Miracle Grow. I also picked all the dead stuff out and cut some of the long stringy stuff, and it all really perked up.

Rhoda said...

Everything looks great! I love Miracle Gro as well. The Japanese beetles are feasting on my petunias and geraniums this year. They've never done that before. Has anyone else had them damage petunias?