Friday, July 3, 2009

Update from Cathy

We're still waiting on the babies. Jen might be induced on Tuesday. She says, oh yes! . . . I say, we'll see. I'll let you know and hopefully post a picture. We're very thankful she is reaching 36 weeks!!

Brett's mom, Kayleen, had successful surgery on Wednesday. They took 4 lymph nodes and they were all cancer free. She will not have to have radiation, and in a few weeks they will know if chemo is necessary. Thanks to all for your prayers for Kayleen and also for Jen.

Meanwhile, we are enjoying the little girls so much. I think Catie realizes her days as the baby are numbered and she's playing the baby card for all it's worth. She might as well, while she can!

Tonight we have a car cruise-in, pork chop dinner, and fireworks in Roanoke. For a tiny little town, we actually have fantastic fireworks! Cleve, Kathleen, and Crystal may come as Cleve would like to show off his '64 something-or-other car. (Cleve, can you post a pic?) However, it might rain! We were planning on taking Amy and the little girls to the "beach" at Comlara Park this afternoon (actually a glorified mud-hole!), but the clouds seem to be rolling in. So, we'll see.

Well, happy 4th to you all. Even though our state is in a real mess and our country is challenged in many ways, I thank God for the freedoms we have and the blessings we enjoy. We have much to be thankful for - especially our savior and friend, Jesus!

Love to all,


Shelley S said...

Wonderful news about both Jen and Kayleen.  Thanks for the updates.  Woke up this morning to rain, so not sure what our plans will be for the 4th! 

Btw, we visited the Comlara park mud-hole last week-end.  Hadn't been there in years but the kids sure enjoyed it.  Were you and Uncle Tim there?  Sam thought he might have seen you as you were leaving, but I didn't get a good look. 

Have a happy 4th!

Nog Blog said...

Ate lunch with Jen yesterday. She's hanging in there patiently, or putting up a good front for us anyway! Only a few more days to go!