Sunday, July 19, 2009


Here are a couple pictures of Grace. She had her tenth birthday a few weeks ago and I gave her my doll. She loves dolls and I think she will appreciate this one.

Drake and his family visited us today. After hamburgers on the grill, Grace and Owen hosed down some dirty screens and swept some cobwebs down around the front porch and front windows. Drake was planning to trim some bushes, but apparently the trimmers was "lost" in the shed theft last winter, so he helped Michelle pull weeds and did a couple errands in the house. Feels good to have all that done as I sit here tonight. Michelle helped me with my new camera - so I'll be back in the picture business.
We have a busy week ahead with dr. apts., hair apts., car repairs, and shopping with Kelsie. And I'm cooking meals on wheels tomorrow! Don't know why I agreed to that - guess she caught me at a week moment.


Rhoda said...

What an honor to have Grandma's doll, and how sweet that Grace will appreciate it.

It sounds as if you got quite a bit of work done around your house. It must feel good!

Nog Blog said...

Great pictures!