Monday, June 22, 2009

Michigan Storm?????

We have a couple visitors in the plant this week from Holland. They were telling me about the flooding in Holland and surrounding area due to the heavy rain and that most basements had water in them. In light of previous posts from RK2, I was wondering if Rhoda has water in her basement or if the corrections made withstood this heavy rain. Also, were the chickens outside during the storm and did they survive? EDK


Rhoda said...

No water in my basement (Yeah!) and the sump pump wasn't running any more than usual which surprised me. The condo two down from me appparently flooded and the one next to me got a little water in it. Holland, about 10-12 miles from me, by far got the worst of the flooding, and the road west of my work had a portion wash out.

Friday night I was sitting my sun room reading and somewhat watching the storm. At one point there was a flash of lightening and a very, very loud clap of thunder. I heard a small child's voice and wondered if some kids were out playing in the storm or something and then the small voice said, "I love you Aunt Rhoda." Quite a few years ago Mark and Molly gave me a picture frame with Jeffrey's picture in a Winnie the Pooh costume and the frame allowed them to record his voice. He said, "Merry Christmas! I love you Aunt Rhoda." Apparently the thunder set off the picture frame!

The chicks survived Friday night. They were in a box in the chicken tractor in the barn. We have been putting them outside some during the day in their tote.

And now my sad news. One succumbed last night. It was the runt. Renae put on a glove, picked it up, and started walking to the woods. I was going to bury it in the garden. When I saw her start to wind up to throw it in the woods I yelled out, "Wait!" I was going to say a few words but that never happened. I just told her I was sad a chick died and even more sad that it was one of hers!

Nog Blog said...

Too funny! Oh, I mean sad...

Eric - Retta said...

Rhoda, Thanks for the update. Sorry for Renae's loss......EDK