Saturday, June 27, 2009


The annual Gridleyfest is this weekend. They always have a fireworks show down the lane just west of our house. Last night we sat in the driveway and watched them. It was a pleasant diversion. This morning, we parked our car in Pete Meiss's driveway and watched the parade and visited with Pete, Jan and a few others who were standing in the area.

This afternoon, the temperature is in the upper 90's so sitting in the house is good. The Cubs are on for entertainment, however at about the second inning the "signal is off" - so the radio is on.

Jerry is still struggling somewhat with the rash. We saw Dr. Dodgins yesterday to have the staples (60+) removed. He called the other Dr. in charge of the antibiotics, and they gave us a couple days off as the levels were too high. We are to begin again tomorrow and will run the IV once a day. Otherwise, Jerry's doing well and we just hope the rash disappears completely in the next couple days. Tentative date for the final surgery has been scheduled for July 30 and we hope we can go with that schedule.


Eric - Retta said...

Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the fireworks. EDK

Cleve said...

Mom elected not to attend GridleyFest this year, but cousins Vic and Jeanne Rich stayed overnight with mom and did attend.
What were some of the attractions other than the parade and what did the parade mainly consist of?