Sunday, March 1, 2009

White as Snow

Well this post won't be anything new to ya'll up north, but this morning we awoke to a rarity here in the south. Genuine, ground covering snow. There hasn't been this much snow on the ground since 1993, although last nights storm hasn't had the impact of the storm of '93.
The kids (and adults) spent most of the Sunday School hour out playing in the snow at Church this morning. By the end of Worship Service, the snow had started to melt already. At the current rate of melting, it will all be gone by nightfall. Here are a couple photos of the snow in our yard. EDK


Ann said...

It's 4:30 here in SC and it's been snowing for about an hour - we're supposed to get 2-4 inches overnight. It's beautiful! We haven't had March snow since the early '80s. And the last big snow was around 2001 or 2002. But, like you, it's not supposed to last long. Got to enjoy it while it lasts. You "Yankees" are probably saying - You guys can have it!

Anonymous said...

Eric, I'm surprised you even had church this morning!

Our snow has melted, but it's cold this weekend--high of about 20.

Shelley S said...

Eric, there was a picture in the Pantagraph this morning of the snowfall in Tuscaloosa AL! Glad it's missing us this time.