Sunday, March 15, 2009


We have a house guest for the next three weeks or so. "Flat Stanley" arrived a few days ago along with his "flat suitcase". He is a school project of Owen's and we are to entertain and journal his escapades and send him back to Owen's teacher. Can't show you too much here as we want to surprise Owen with all the activities, but here are two of our "adventures" so far. Do you recognize the high chair?
Question? Is there a way to get the picture to print under the text?


rk2 said...

I just left click on a picture and then drag it to where I want it to go or import the picture and then put the cursor at the very beginning to type before it.

Very cute pictures.

For Jeffrey's school project (1st grade)his teacher requested postcards from various places people lived or traveled to. I sent one with the Hollaned Lighthouse and then from several trips such as the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Washington DC, etc. I'm wondering what they thought of the postcard from Amish country in northern Indiana?

Anonymous said...

Rhoda, does Jeffrey still want postcards, or is it too late?

Ada said...

I had the request from Jeffry also and Molly said the project was going until the end of the year. Kinda hard to find a postcard in Gridley - and I was gone from DC by the time I got the email. I"d like to find a couple if I can remember to look sometime.

Anonymous said...

Flat Stanley has been around for a long time and who knows how many miles he has traveled. Am glad to see that he is still traveling as he is a fun learning device.
His activities appear to have gotten a bit more sophisticated if memory serves me correctly. Looks like you and Nathan are having a great time with a new somebody to play with!

Anonymous said...

FYI, Jeffrey's teacher asked that the address for postcards not be posted on non-secure sites. If you are interested in sending any extra postcards just e-mail me, and I can send you the address.