Sunday, March 15, 2009


I've been cleaning my house and trying to get rid of things we don't use. Two things might be of interest to family, so let me know if you would like:

1. A box of stemmed glasses and (maybe) dessert dishes that were Aunt Minerva's. They're really very dainty and pretty, but I honestly will never use them.

2. A fake wood, waist-high cabinet that was Grandma K's. If I remember right, it was by the front door in her brick house. It's good for storing small items and displaying a couple photos or a candle on top. The color is dark "wood".

If you want either of these things, let me know and we can make arrangements fo you to get them.


Anonymous said...

Angela, Are the dessert dishes a small sauce dish or a dessert plate?

Anonymous said...

They're like dishes with stems.

Ada said...

Probably what you call a sherbet?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't need any more sherbets. I have l2 goblets and l2sherbets and the goblets are the only ones that rarely get used.