Thursday, January 1, 2009


We started out to explore a larger area today so headed down RT 29 knowing it went right downtown DC. Sure enough, we drove right along - not too much traffic, and we only got honked at once! We drove past the "mall", the Washington Monument, followed the traffic past a few other cites - never did see the Capitol or the White House. We did not actually stop and see anything as there was no place to park. We saw the signs for the Reagan National Airport, so we followed them, and now we know where to pick up Heather on Monday.

When we left the airport, we debated whether to try to fiind the two missed places, but since I had to "go" quite badly, we stopped at a McDonalds for my benefit, then had a light lunch. Let me tell you, that was a rather scary McDonalds! So we headed back to our place and found it quite easily though via a different route. We came inside to rest and "regroup".

Our house is a very nice tri-level house from the 60's era. I will have some pictures if I can find my cable to post them. About 2 o'clock we set off to find three items: a toilet-seat extender like we have at home, a battery for the garage door opener so I won't have to get out and unlock the front door and open the garage door for Jerry to drive the car in, and a bulb for out rear turn signal which went out yesterday. Think about that and you'll realize that we'd been driving all around DC without a turn signal! We found the bulb at an ACE hardware. Next we found a CVS Pharmacy. No toilet seat! (and I thought CVS had everything) They did have 5 million batteries, but not the one we needed! Went on and found a WalMart - got a toilet but no batteries! And of course had to wait in line for 20 minutes to check out.

Jerry actually changed the bulb in the ACE parking lot and some man stopped, noticed we were from Illinois and said "How about that Governor of yours?" ha ha "Is it true that your last five governors are in prison?" ha ha Almost hate to admit being from Illinois.

We're now back home and I put a roast in the oven for dinner. Tomorrow we will probably experiment with the METRO system. Hope I didn't bore you.


Ann said...

Not boring at all! Very interesting.

Andrew went to DC a couple of years ago on his senior trip and they used the metro exclusively. Our (now retired as of 12/31) administrator at school says that's the only way to go in DC.

Anonymous said...

Extremely interesting! Hope you find your camera cable to send us all tons of pictures as the month unfolds. Yes, D.C. can be scary and does have some crime, so be careful (especially since people will be suspicious of you, being from Illinois).

Cleve & Kathleen

Ada said...

Fom what we hear around here, it's hard to get a parking spot to get on the metro - we'll see.

Ann said...

Well, that may be - They got on the metro at a stop that was just a block from their hotel. So parking was not an issue.

Anonymous said...

Don't think you are boring us. It is all very interesting. We want to hear more. I'll tell you just like I always tell the girls "BE CAREFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't think you are boring us. It is all very interesting. We want to hear more. I'll tell you just like I always tell the girls "BE CAREFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

Oops, I goofed. I'll try to do better next time.

Anonymous said...

When I was in D.C. in October, Rhoda told me to make sure to see the Library of Congress. It's a must see. I was surprised at the beautiful architecture all around. And I loved seeing the Washington Monument and Capitol almost every time we turned around. Thanks for keeping us posted. Enjoy! I sure wish I'd had more time.

Oh, make sure, if it's not too cold, that you do a night tour. You can hit a lot of places in a short period of time and seeing them at night is fascinating. The Korean War Memorial was especially poignant at night. The cost was only $40 for a 3+ hour tour. I thought it was a great value.

Anonymous said...

The metro is the best way to get around DC. I was in DC for 9 days in 2007 and the metro was extremely easy to use. I bought a week pass and that way when I was tired of walking I didn't mind getting on the metro to go only one or two stops. It may be easier for Heather to take the Metro from the airport to a stop closest to where you are.

I'll look back at my list of places I went to see about any other places to make sure you go. I do know that you could probably skip the Smithsonian's Textile Museum, but you may be more of a fabric person than I am. I went because it was almost next door to the Woodrow Wilson home and I could say I did another of the Smithsonian Museums.