Thursday, December 4, 2008

This and That

--I have very much enjoyed all the Thanksgiving updates! Please keep them coming. Even mundane things are interesting. Sometimes I wonder if people hold back because they don't want to appear to contribute too much. I say the more the merrier and the more often the better!

--Sometimes, if you see that pictures and text are not appearing the way you want them, you can go back into "edit post" and do some rearranging. Blogspot is a little weird like that - the final product does not always look like you think it will. But it can usually be fixed with some tinkering. If you want something adjusted and it just isn't working, I'll be glad to work on it if you let me know.

--It's fine to comment using the anonymous feature, but it's helpful to the rest of us if you put your name somewhere in the comment.

--I'm going to change the fonts for Christmas. Hope nobody objects!

--Perry and Carol, please keep us updated on Linda's condition. And how are those new babies doing?

--Tonight I take 43 people (39 students) to Greenville to see the play ARSENIC AND OLD LACE. It's going to be a fun trip but I'm always relieved to get them all back safely. And it makes for one very long day. Hope you all have a great one too.

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