Friday, November 7, 2008

Here's another great picture - I believe from a visit from Uncle Lynn's family when we were living in La Grange. Ann - why are you holding your ears??


Anonymous said...

I’m sitting here looking at this picture looking at Ann holding her ears, Mark obviously having a problem with the sun, and Mary has some kind Wife of Bath look going on. (Dad always talked about the Wife of Bath growing up—I’m not sure we ever understood what he meant by it, but we knew it was NOT meant as a compliment). I think my co-workers are wondering what I’m laughing at so hard on a Friday afternoon.

Nog Blog said...

I noticed Mary's stance too. Rather statuesque. What in the world was the Erkert girl doing with you, and is it Carol or Rosie?

Anonymous said...

I remember Carol hung out with us a lot so it must be she. I only vaguely remember a trip to La Grange and the only thing I remember about it was the restaurant-style "booth" table Uncle Ralph & Aunt Catherine had. That was the coolest thing ever.
Do I look a little like our little Lindsey in that photo?

Ann said...

No idea why I'm holding my ears. Pictures at that stage of my life make me shudder even without the ear-holding. Gawky and leggy!!!