Monday, November 24, 2008

Autographed cast

..can't help but comment on Aunt Mim's interesting post which sparked a memory for us... We saved Crystal's short-arm cast from her broken arm when she was in the
2nd grade and now our grandsons have fun "wearing it" and pretending. It is fun to read the autographs... Grandma Catherine, Aunt Cathy, and Shelley are among those names still legible but many have faded!
Cleve & Kathleen


Ada said...

What a cute little cast! I can just imagine those little boys playing with it.

Our only experience with a cast was when Jason jumped off the bleachers at the football field across the field and broke a small bone in his foot. After complaining and walking on his toe for several days we finally took him to the dr - and he still lets us know of our neglect! Anyway he had a cast up to his knee. When it was time to have it removed, the dr. was on vacation and had told us to just soak it in a bucket of water and cut it off. I think it took us all afternoon, made a horrible mess, much frustration, but we finally did manage to get it off. Unfortunately, there was nothing left of it to save!

Ann said...

No one in our family has ever had a cast - and I don't believe anyone in my immediate family growing up did either. Mary Lee did have to wear a brace for a fractured wrist after we bought a pair of roller skates at a yard sale once. . .at a house with a slight incline in the driveway. Why didn't I have her wait to try them on at home!

I remember how frustrating that was, because the orthopedist's office wanted to charge us $500 for "surgery." When I protested and said no surgery was done - not even a cast applied - the office said that that's how they always file insurance for broken bones. The doctor was a friend from church who intervened, and lowered the cost, but I couldn't help but think - What about all those people who didn't happen to know the doctor? There's nothing they could do. The system includes so many abuses like that.