Monday, August 25, 2008

Down on the Farm

For the last two Summers, Grace and Owen have volunteered on a nearby organic farm. They are responsible for feeding the chickens and cleaning nests as well as collecting, cleaning, and packaging the eggs for sale. Here's a video of a typical morning at the farm:


Ada said...

What a fun "wake up" I had this morning in finding this video. Looks like they enjoy this volunteer project. What's with the pigs??

Nog Blog said...

Oh my word! That clucking hen gave me the willies! Actually broke out in goosebumps. I would not enjoy that job!

rk2 said...

I've read about how today's children raised in a city really have no idea where food comes from so it's really a great experience for your children! How far away do you have to go to get to a farm?

Anonymous said...

What a great experience for Grace and Owen! I'm forwarding the blog to Lauren and Lindsey to share with John Michael (now JM) and Jeff. Not the best way to meet second cousins, but so it is. Isn't Grace afraid of being pecked by the hens? That was a phobia I developed after gathering eggs on my Aunt Mary Scholl's farm when Grace's age. Aunt Mim

Drake said...

We think the pigs are new this year (or at least we didn't notice them behind a big barn until this weekend).

The kids absolutely _love_ when the chickens cluck and peck at them. I'm not sure why.

The farm is in a neighboring town in a community planned around it. I'd bet a fair number of adults don't understand how their food goes from field to table. This farm is certainly not typical of our current food system - it's small, organic, and local (delicious, too).

I told Grace & Owen about Cleve's chicken-hypnotizing and they really want to see it.

Ann said...

Drake - Tremendous opportunity for your kids.

I remember going to the Scholls' farm that my mom mentioned and helping my grandma Hemmer kill and dress chickens for the freezer. An experience everyone ought to have one time.

Have you read ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MIRACLE by Barbara Kingsolver? I wrote about it on my blog about a month ago. It sounds like a book you'd like.