Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Klopfenstein Brothers--September, 1948

Sixty years ago!
Uncles Lee, Harry, Joe, Elmer, Fred, Bill
Obviously the six are not the brothers in total number. Frank and John are deceased and Arthur is not present. (Five daughters really added to the mix!) The reunion days of the 40s were quite a get together of the immediate family of Peter and Sophia Klopfenstein. Another case of, "A good time was had by all."


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you'd rarely see a necktie at a family reunion in today's world--especially at a cabin.

I definitely see my father in Grandpa K.--face shape, eyes, stance during a picture, etc.

Ada said...

Interesting to look at them after all these years. I don't remember that my dad and Fred looked so much alike as this picture shows. Lee and Joe are the most different from the others. The pointed nose is definitely in all of them! And most of us!

Also interesting that Dad is the only one wearing a tie.


Maria said...

Rhoda, I was thinking the same thing about Grandpa K. and MY dad! Especially the way he is standing. I guess our dad's do resemble each other a lot.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Maria, at the recent reunion I kept seeing your dad and thinking it was my dad!
I too had thought that Dad looks a lot like his father.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful photo, Uncle Lynn, not seen before by me. I was 17 months old at that time. Yes, Maria, Grandpa K looks and stands like Uncle Perry and Uncle Lynn. It makes you wonder how good of a basketball player Grandpa might have been. I also remember Uncle Fred's cabin from reunions of a few years later -- with a tiny pond in the back complete with minnows and frogs. And Uncle Joe would always bring the giant pretzel sticks!