Thursday, July 3, 2008

Delayed Reunion Report

It's busy around here, and sometimes I'm right on top of things, but other times I'm not. It's a bit late, but I wanted to share our reunion experience with everyone. I took Kelsie, Heater and Nathan with me. Jerry and Heather had to work. We took the long route through Indy since the brakes on my car were going out and I thought there would be too much stopping on Route 24. The kids did great in the car, and we got there in about 4.5 hours. We were quite disappointed to find the pool out of commission, but we decided to go see Kung Fu Panda, instead and that turned out to be a good time. We had dinner with the Klops that night -- alot of people I didn't know, but was fun to sit with Rhoda, Mary and Joey! In the morning, mom met a man who worked at the attached furniture store, and he let us go in early and ride the beautiful carousel. Then off to Grabill which was about 10 miles from Fort Wayne. My Garmin took us the scenic route, and it was very pretty out there. We were so surprised and excited to see Amish horses and buggies as we got close to town. Being late morning on a Saturday, there were many Amish folk driving through town and going in and out of the local businesses. I am interested in the Amish, and I read alot of books (all of them, actually) by Beverly Lewis. So we gawked at them for awhile waiting for Jason and Janice and boys to arrive. Most of what you've heard from others about the reunion itself is really there's all to tell. Great turnout, and good program. I'm attaching a few pics that show some things the other posts didn't:

Here's Nathan in the Amish hat I bought at the super cute store in Grabill. It's a winter hat, but it's what I typically think of being an Amish boy hat, so "I" had to have it! Nathan doesn't really like to wear it, but I try to make him once in awhile! :)

It's true...Johnny Appleseed was at the reunion:

This is the Carousel our furniture store Klop relative bought online from Argentina. It was delivered on a boat, along with a guy to put it together. They paid $1000 a day for 15 days to store it in Chicago before it could be shipped to Ft. Wayne. The worker from Argentina stayed in the hotel until his work on it was done. Very impressive!

Here's Kelsie, Heater and Grandpa at our table in the back so we could watch all the goings on:
Here's mom and J&J's boys practicing for their skit:
Right after the reunion, we headed back home, and would you believe Kelsie drove the whole way!. The Garmin said we only stopped for 11 minutes total the whole time -- go potty and get back in the car! It was a good time, but we must have been ready to get home!
It would be fun to do a reunion with more relatives that we know better. Who's going to organize that?


Anonymous said...

Ang, thanks for your thoughts with another perspective on the reunion.
Now the mystery is solved! We wondered who the very rugged, unkempt man was that went through the food line. So far as I know he didn't stick around. I had seen him walking down the street, barefoot with a long, straggly reddish beard. After a little while after most had been served, he was in the food line. So now I know: Johnny Appleseed!
Happy also to know the story of the fabulous carousel and to see the pic of Nathan on it. He is such a sweetie with that innocent look!

Anonymous said...

Oh, me, the above anonymous is Mim. I expect I may hear from a daughter re my lack of expertise on these new fangled electronic thing-a-mi-jigs. Spelling on the last word is wrong, too!

Anonymous said...

Great post and photos, Angela!

Anonymous said...

Uh oh - like mother like daughter; that was me - Mary! I hit return too soon!