Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I can't let everyone get ahead of us on the subject of gardening.
We had our garden "roto-tilled" on Monday. Yesterday Keith planted almost all of the
garden in potatoes. That is his favorite thing to plant and almost his favorite
food. He will plant a few tomato plants soon. Keith's Dad planted potatoes
well into his 90's.

Last Saturday Larry and Lauren took Keith and Ken to Pulaski, Iowa to show
them where they grew up, went to school, etc. Lauren said she loved all of
'it and wants to write a journal about it. They went to the house where they
were born and it had been vacated for years and was literally falling apart.
They went in and took a tour of the place. The next morning when Lauren
was taking a shower she found a tick in her hair. (they think she got it in that
old house:)



Anonymous said...

It sounds like a very interesting and informative Field Trip...something Lauren and all will always remember. Were there pictures taken of the original house? It was nice of Larry to make that trip before the house collapses.

Ann said...

Mike is really into planting flowers right now. With the new porch he wants everything to look nice. I love to plant flowers also but I don't do as well at keeping them watered. . .so sometimes my efforts end up not making it.

It sounds like you had a great trip to Iowa.