Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Big bargain for the value minded

Have you read about or seen Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, a documentary film that came out last Thursday? Ben Stein, a Jew and not a Christian, made the film because of the muzzle that is put on any opposition to evolution in academia and otherwise. The film exposes the blatant censorship by hardcore evolutionists. Answers in Genesis (www.Answersbookstore.com) is offering a packet of two books, two DVDs, a special issue of Answers magazine, a $5.00 coupon for the Expelled DVD when it comes out, and more for $19.99 (a $64.00 value). For those of you with interest in creationism this is a tremendous bargain and we heartily recommend it. No, we get NO cut on the proceeds!


Ada said...

I have seen the preview/ad on TV about that movie and was trying to figure out exactly what the movie is about - whether it was pro-creationism or pro-evolution. I think by the time I focused on the ad, it was half over. Have you seen the movie or video?

Anonymous said...

Lynn and I went to the movie two days ago--the first movie that we can remember going to. It has been touted so much on www.answersingenesis.org that we were interested. We are glad we went so that we can encourage others. It is interesting that a man of Ben Stein's accomplishments should get involved in the evolution cover up. The video is not out yet and that is why AiG is offering a $5.00 coupon to purchase it when it does come out.