Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ralph's Condolences

Here is one of the Peoria Journal Star newspaper's online condolences to Ralph.

"Please know that Ralph was a valuable contributor to the lives of many, including myself. I remain forever grateful for having known and been mentored by him for an all too short time during his service to our nation. His wisdom was to be cherished, his spirit admired, and his commitment to sound principle rare"
Gary C. Martin, Washington D.C. (formerly of Princeville)

It's been 17 days since Dad passed away. Just in case some of you have missed his on-line condolences, and wish to read them, you can go to them at the following funeral-home website. Very nice written remembrances from many different people.....
Just click on OBITUARIES on the left, then scroll down to click on Dad's name, then
click on "View condolences" under his picture.


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