Saturday, March 15, 2008

Misc. Saturday

Drake has signed up on the blog--Also, Aunt Alice has put in a request to join!

Could someone get me an email for Jamie? The one she gave me last Sunday has come back, and she would like to join.

Interesting point: I found the itinerary for last week's plane flight, which cost $209, saved on my computer. Just out of curiosity, I plugged in this week's dates for the identical flights--Saturday and Monday, same flight numbers, same times leaving & arriving, same airports--just to see if the price was the same. This week it would have cost $1058. Can you believe the difference?

Storms are heading this way so I may be battening down the hatches soon. Y'all have a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ann!
This is Jodie and I would like to "sign up" so Dave and I can post photos and such.

Jamie's email address at home is:

Good to see you...