Friday, March 28, 2008

Just call me The Bag Lady

I have been making these "humbug" bags for Kelsie's softball team so that when it is her turn to take snacks for the team, the girls will each have a special bag of treats. I have embroidered a name on one side and U-High on the other side and obviously the school colors are green and yellow. Only had to start over on two when I realized the zipper was in upside down or inside out whichever way you want to call it. I completely wiped out the fabric stores in Bloomington of their yellow zippers! It's been a fun project.

I might even put a few treats in the bags. It is normal to spoil your grandchildren, right?

Now - my big challenge is to see if I can get this picture into this post! Yeahhh!



Anonymous said...

I thought most people throw out some juice boxes or water bottles and granola bars. I'm really impressed!

Ann said...

Isn't this the style of bag you were "perfecting" when we were there? These are beautiful--I'm impressed too!