Saturday, March 8, 2008

I actually had a wonderful time at the cemetery this morning watching "my boys" dig their grandpa(great)'s grave. Casey has become the official gravedigger in Gridley and he and Wade, Sam and Thad and Ben, and Dave dug a perfect grave for Dad. I think it is something the little boys might be able to remember. Thank you for all the prayers the past few days.
Judy K


Cathy said...

How touching!


Anonymous said...

Great idea, Judy, to take some pictures. As you said, it might be a unique lifetime memory for all of them.

Cleve & Kathleen

Anonymous said...

What a tribute as a last labor of love for the little fellows. That will be meaningful for them later on. Unless a child is particularly sensitive, it seems good for them to face realities of life, instead of shielding them from anything unpleasant.umbnhr