Saturday, March 22, 2008

How's Your Spring Going?

Ours? Not so Spring-y. We had about 9 inches of snow yesterday!

We made our way through white out conditions to Grace & Owen's first Taekwondo belt promotion test. The video below shows the last step they need to take:

If you can't make out the audio, Owen is first and asks for "two child boards". Grace is second and asks for the same. The judge (not pictured) asks if she is Owen's big sister, subtly hinting that she should ask for "one adult board".

They are both very proud of their accomplishments (and so are their parents ;-).


LynnK said...

Well, I'll be!!! Those urchins put on a pretty good show. That is neat. I will never forget the showmanship of Gracie at the family reunion in think in 2003.

Ada said...

"Oh for pity's sake" -- as Owen and Grace's great-grandma K would have said!

Looks like they're having fun. Have you "casted" their hands yet?


Anonymous said...

Very cute. I am proud of them! Nathan is saying, MORE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and about our Spring. We got no snow this week. Was so warm yesterday Nathan played outside with no coat on for a couple hours. It's a bit colder today, but still no snow.

Ann said...

Really cute. Isn't amazing that you can video your kids in Chicago (or thereabouts) and your farflung cousins can watch and enjoy the activities that same day, without any travel!