Sunday, March 16, 2008

Homestead scene from the 50's

For the benefit of any family member under the age of 52, here is what one could see most any evening from May - September on Perry's front porch throughout the 1950's --Grandpa (or great-grandpa) E.J. sitting quietly on the porch swing. And, usually in a long-sleeved white shirt, with hat, as shown in the picture. For those of us over the age of 52, this might be one of the main images you might have of him. It is for me and it brings fond memories.


Ada said...

I don't have a picture like this. It definitely brings memories of childhood with Dad sitting in the swing while Gloria, Cleve and I rode bikes around the "square", gave each other "taxi rides" in the wagon, or tried hard to be the one who could jump off the highest step! When the mosquitoes were bad Dad would always ask someone to "go get the DDT" so he could spray the porch!!

Anonymous said...

I obviously don't remember Grandpa K. sitting on the porch, but I do remember that being the thing to do when we visited Grandma K. I also remember when one evening we were sitting on the porch and realized that the school that Dad talked about walking to and must have been miles away was only a block away.