Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tornado and Storm

Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:39 PM
Subject: Wednesday Morning Storm

Tough news from our area. At least three killed and twenty sent to the hospital after a tornado touched down about 15-20 miles southwest of Decatur in early morning. We know the family of the folks who died in the storm.

About 1:30 AM, I awakened and got to thinking about our new car and the gallon of milk spill on the rear floor about two weeks ago. Of course we did all to absorb the milk; however, enough had overflowed the carpet and got into the padding. In due time it soured and the smell became intolerable. The Ford dealership said the carpet could be "detailed" and good as new. Such is not the case. Well--I got all this on my mind and finally at 2:30 AM I just got up.

About 3 AM the storm and tornado sirens were blaring in the far distance and I picked up on the noise. I immediately tuned into the local TV channels and sure enough a huge storm was about fifteen miles southwest of Decatur.--and coming our way. I immediately awakened Mim and we made immediate preparation to hunker down in our clothes closet with emergency spotlight, radio and flashlight (thanks, Mark and Molly). Fully clad and ready for the unexpected we waited and watched. I stood at the front door, the wind and rain was intense. I'm sure the tornado blew over our immediate Azalea Circle area. Momentarily, it was over. And the TV coverage reported the storm at I-65 and moving towards Madison and Huntsville. We were spared!

A Becky Devaney, her husband and son were killed--we understand. She attended out Awana Youth meetings and VBS many years ago and we know her parents well.

To get other details log on to one of the local tevevision stations. We thank the Lord for the safety we enjoyed! Some said the storm was as severe as the one in 1974; however, that assessment may be questionable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting account of an unusual late-night experience!! The tornado and it's deadly effects puts the spilled-milk-in-the-car situation in perspective. The latter can be frustating, however. A few years ago I spilled a crockpot of roast beef in my car rear seat area (carpet) and it created a real stink (in more ways than one!) I had to cut out the carpet and replace the padding in that area.
Glad the tornado avoided Azalea Court.
Cleve & Kathleen