Monday, February 11, 2008

Book Sale

I forgot to mention last night my latest "addiction" and I only mention this because I think I inherited from the Klop side - it's books! Not reading books, but collecting books. I have caught onto the Bloomington library book sales and I love them...they are now doing it 3 times a year at the old outlet mall. The sale is several days long, but winds down with a $3 a bagful on Sunday and today is "free" day. I ran out yesterday and filled three bags. The books were plentiful in every category. Anyway, I had little time, I went right at opening and the crowd was intense (as was the odor from some college kids who apparently hasn't washed his body or clothes since he's back from Christmas break!) I feel I must go back today and take my time and bring home more books which I don't have room for and will probably never take time to read. If anyone near Bloomington also likes to buy books, the sale will be back in June. I've marked my calendar!


Anonymous said...

Love of book sales must run in the family! I have forced myself to not buy any new books until I've read through the stack I have waiting. Thankfully Mary gave me a couple of books at Christmas to give me some variety.

I've decided I need to read more classics so I did purchase of collection of Jane Austen novels which is my next book to tackle.

Ann said...

I wish we lived closer because I would absolutely love to go used book saling with you, Judy, or anybody else. I cannot go past a used book store, a yard sale with books, a library sale, or any other possibility. I especially love older volumes of children's lit. Ebay holds its own charms for the book lover, both buying and selling.

Jane Austen--give me the Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility dvds any day over wading through the books!

Anonymous said...

The best book I read this year was "Pistol Pete", the biography of Pistol Pete Maravich, the famous basketball player from the 70's & 80's. It was not only the best book I'd read, but the only book I read (in its entirety, that is)in the past year. I don't read many "books", but like Rhoda, I have plenty sitting here ready to be read.

Anonymous said...

Cleve, I remember that Pete Maravich had appeared on Larry King Live shortly before his death and seems I remember gave a good testimony of faith in Jesus. I still pray for Larry's salvation!

As for books, yes, I always have several going at once too, but these days (for the past 8 years, i.e. when I got married) can only seem to finish one while on vacation (usually a John Grisham). One Haley bought for my b'day was "The Velvet Elvis" which gives lots of Jewish historical context for scripture. Very interesting and I'm slowly working on it. - Mary (not sure if I can get through with my password)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. Yes, Pete Maravich was a great BB player, but mostly was a devoted Christian right to the unexpected end. He died in Jan. of '87 while playing a pick-up game of basketball with James Dobson. Two months prior to that I heard him give a fantastic testimony at Peoria's Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. I still have a tape of that speech.